About W0HC


Hi, I’m Josh, W0HC. I’ve been a licensed ham radio operator since 1991 and have been working in the communications industry for most of my life, and I’ve been taking care of broadcast transmitter sites since 1998.

This website will be a place for me to share a bit of information about myself, my hamshack, and any other information that may be interesting.

My favorite bands are 10m and 20m. I’m not able to squeeze in very much time for ham radio at present, especially during the summer months when family obligations take over.

I was previously involved as a volunteer with our local Emergency Management Agency. Together we have formed a nice partnership which allowed us to start a local ham radio club, build a 2m repeater, and outfit the Emergency Operations Center with a pretty nice setup.

I also do a little computer repair on the side from time to time and am CompTIA A+ Certified.

I’ve always been interested in weather, so in 2020 I joined CoCoRaHS.

I am a member of Quarter Century Wireless Association, Society of Broadcast Engineers, and O.M. International Sideband Society

73, and I hope to hear you on the bands!