I’ve always been a self described “Weather Geek”. In fact, weather spotting was one of the reasons I became interested in amateur radio as a teenager.
I’ve been a National Weather Service trained spotter since 1995.
I’ve been uploading data to Weather Underground since 2006. The first station was located on top of Independence Fire, and was a Peet Bros Ultimeter 2100. Sadly, it didn’t last long due to the computer it was connected to being destroyed by lightning. The a radio maintenance company claimed to have found the anemometer in pieces on the rooftop. It was fine a few days before that so I’m not sure what happened.
Later I obtained a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro 2 (wired version), which is now residing at the W0HC QTH. The anemometer is installed at 30′ on my tower, and the rain gauge and thermometer are at about 10′.
The data is captured via USB by a Mini-ITX based PC running Meteohub. From there it is uploaded to Weather Underground and APRS.